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What rumors there have been about the “dead regulation of the e-cigarette”! No more proper steam, only firmly obstructed depots, only Zigalikes and prohibitions of most flavours – all that did not arrive, just as little as the original goal of the anti-steam lobby: the ban of the E-Cigarette into the pharmacies.
Since 20.5. the TPD2 is now completely implemented. Nevertheless, the situation is no reason to be happy, even though the implementation in DE has turned out to be comparatively less bad than, for example, in Austria, where complete online trading (komplette Online-Handel verboten )was banned. The fact that such an immense political struggle for steaming has taken place is scandalous in itself, because all these years numerous studies have proven that the e-cigarette is by no means as harmful as its economically motivated enemies like to present it (see e.g. the VdeH’s collection of facts on the e-cigarette)( Faktensammlung zur E-Zigarette ). On the contrary, it is much healthier than any tobacco product, although not as healthy as total abstinence. Since many regulations came into force with the first stage of TPD2 in May 2016 and November 2017, I will only mention the changes that have affected all of us since May 20, 2017:
- Liquids and nicotine containing bases may only be sold in 10ml bottles.
- The nicotine content is limited to 20mg/ml.
- Additives such as caffeine, taurine or additives such as vitamins, which appear to have health benefits, are prohibited. The same applies to substances that discolour the vapour (not the Liquid!).
- Instruction leaflets and warnings now decorate the packaging
- Evaporators already filled at the time of sale (this concerns the Cigalikes) must not contain more than 2ml liquid.
- The obligation to register new steam means that steamers in DE always arrive at the new equipment 6 months later.
How do dealers react to the restrictions?
A short surf tour shows: There are still shops that offer many different Liquids. Even coffee liquids are still available (you can probably get the coffee Aroma without caffeine). However, some shops have – almost – completely taken liquids out of the range and now only sell flavours and bases, as well as 10ml bottles with 20mg nicotine. Mixing yourself is the order of the day. It is also noticeable that often bundled packs are sold: 3 x 10 ml Liquids, 10 x 10 ml Base etc.. I had recently reported on a system of aroma Shots and nicotine base. New devices can now be found here ( schon berichtet.) and there as advance announcements: Coming in September… Well, it doesn’t concern me, but the techies under the steamship will probably be frustrated. If you finally get the part, maybe the next version is already available, elsewhere. A dealer tried to interpret the TPD2 differently. The shop continued to sell Base with nicotine by the litre, as this was only a “preliminary product” and not a steamable end product to which the TPD2 alone refers. At the moment the shop is “in maintenance”, because the dealer has received a lot of visits from the authorities, including a sales ban to end customers.
Expensive Sub-Ohm / Hochwatt Steaming
In view of the minimization of the available liquid and base quantities with corresponding price increases ( Preissteigerungen ), the development of the market in recent years has turned out to be an expensive dead end. More and more wattage also means more and more liquid consumption. Surveys among steamers have shown that the 2ml/day once regarded as “normal” is now exceeded many times over by many. This will now be expensive, at least for all those who have not bunkered. Maybe we will experience a renaissance of the once common, very satisfying smoking style (M2L / mouth to lung) steam? That would be fine with me, then there would also be other, really ergonomic drip dips and no longer just the “short oven tube design”.