End of the Subohm experiments – I’m steaming classically!

Although I started steaming in autumn 2014, I still feel like a beginner in many ways. Despite the variety of equipment, I was well served for a long time with the simple EVOD starter sets. I then replaced them with VPlums, slightly larger steamers with adjustable watts, which look like larger EVODs overall. Actually they were enough for my steam needs, but… I always like to try something out! 🙂 Read more →

Tried it: Lynden Air – a BEQUEM fillable vapour

Once again I had the opportunity to test an interesting new steam: the LYNDEN AIR – a controlled Subohm “steam engine” developed in Berlin, which at first sight has something amazing about it, and on the second one delights with innovative details which one wishes to see more widespread!


I find it astonishing that the part with a strong 27 mm diameter and 152 mm length (incl. drip tip) on the one hand looks massive, but still elegant. The LYNDEN also lies well in the hand as soon as you get used to the weight of approx. 200g (weighed with Liquid on the kitchen scale). The haptic is great and because of the thickness the LYNDEN AIR stands like a one on the desk – for me clearly a “home steam”, no device for on the way, where I use smaller or slimmer E-Ziggis with rather dainty hands. The design – yes, for me appearance comes before technology! – I find it very successful, a harmonious mixture of anthracite-coloured rubberized Soft Touch surface and stainless steel, which makes the steam an eye-catcher.

What I don’t find so great – not only with this one, but with many low ohm steamers – is this drip tip in the style of a “short open tube” with a much larger diameter than the mouthpieces I usually use. But this is inevitably connected with low ohmic steaming, I once read that one would burn one’s lips with narrow plastic parts at high watt numbers (who knows more about this, please explain in the comments!). Read more →

Steamship moments of happiness: Recently at Späti

This is a contribution to the Dampfer-Blogparade “Meine Glücksmomente”.

There’s a “late” at the corner where I live, right across the street. That’s what the descendants of the corner shops in Berlin are called. They keep all the food and luxury foods they need deep into the night. Drinks, tobacco, snacks, but also cans, frozen pizza, a few basic foods and sweets without end.

I had forgotten salt at the last supermarket shopping (lucky that there are latecomers!) and was now waiting at the counter to pay. Before me only another customer, a middle-aged man, who also just paid. “7 Euro 70!” said the late businessman who immigrated from Bulgaria and who makes life easier for everyone in the neighbourhood with his shop. Still the customer had not plugged in his purchase, so I could see:

Javaanse Jongens1 x Javaanse Jongens Tobacco – 6 Euro
1 x Muskote leaflet – 0,60 Euro
1 x rotary filter – 1,10 Euro.

Exactly this “package” I had always bought, for decades – and inexorably it had become more and more expensive. Even more expensive than it seemed, because with the rising price the package was reduced from 50 grams of tobacco to 33 grams. In 1982 this tobacco had cost 2.90 and was advertised with “More must not cost the fun” (here ein bisschen Atmosphäre from back then…). Read more →

Experiences with low ohmic steaming

How many beginners did I start with the EVOD once: no bad steam, but comparatively weak compared to the VPlum, which I switched to after some time. It basically looks like an EVOD, but it’s bigger, stronger and controllable, so it makes more or less steam. I’m happy with it, but I always like to try something new – for example the “Low Ohm Steam”, which has been so popular for some time now, which I could test with a chic little steam: the LYNDEN NOW, which looks a bit used in my photo: Read more →