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Blogs & Similar
- my-eLiquid Blog
News Blog about steamers, Liquids, mods and e-cigarettes -
Informative blog with many topics about steaming. -
Stories from the search for the ultimate taste experience. Once upon a time this was the “steam scene”, which now only exists in the archive. (im Archiv) - Die Dampfdruck-Presse
Blog to the Dampfer-Magazin with a series about the exciting experiment, nicotine in e-cigarettes durch Koffein zu ersetzen. - Dampftastisch – with a beginner’s guide and lots of information about the e-cigarette
- Herkus Dampferblog
Andreas Zeising blogs news from the steamboat scene as well as testimonials with different steam devices, liquids and aromas. The blog exists since 2010, so it belongs to the steamers’ veteran rock. In contrast to many other blogs, you first have to choose one of the “last articles” or a category (in the menu on the top left) before you can see the content. - lb-Dampfer – alles rund ums Dampfen – I especially liked the very informative article about the bases for self-mixing. (The last time I visited the site the access seemed to be blocked by a password request, which disappeared after multiple page views and clicks. The last entries are from 2017, but many interesting things are quite timeless.) (Basen zum Selbstmischen.)
- Mountain Prophet – Vaping, Web, Computer & viel Gemecker.. – among the other topics you can find here informations in the categories e-cigarettes and battery tests (E-Zigaretten und Akku-Tests)
- Zwischen und hinter den Zeilen
– tobacco, pharmaceuticals and health lobby. Jens Mellin blogs scientific information about the e-cigarette. Very useful and mega-informative! - Dampfergarage – a lot of information and knowledge about steaming.
- – Anmerkungen zur E-Zigarette – unfortunately “deceased” since the end of 2015.
e-Zigaretten & Liquid Online-Shops:
- my-eLiquid Liquids, bases and aromas for the e-cigarette directly from the manufacturer
Online magazine for stimulants with a focus on electronic cigarettes. The Mag reports on modern stimulants with controversial topics from the fields of health, politics and industry information. - DAMPFERmagazin – Mit Volldampf voran…
Print magazine and online portal all about steaming. The monthly printed magazines are also available for free download in the following month. - eGarage – Industry news and information about steam – seems “dead”, but it isn’t, e.g. in 2018 an informative article about steam bans abroad was updated. (Dampf-Verbote im Ausland ).
- – Online Vaper Magazine by Joey Hoffmann with lots of information about steaming and legal developments, “Media page for steamers, transfer passengers and hardcore liquid junkies” – IG-ED-critical
- Die Nebelkrähe – Die Zeitschrift für E-Dampfer – independent but definitely partisan – political but not partisan – critical but nevertheless fair – sarcastic – honest – ruthless – satirical but nevertheless serious – kostnix but nevertheless valuable
Flea market
- – Ebay the steamship.