Which e-cigarette for beginners? 7 Tips for Switching

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Because I am asked again and again for it, here my opinion won from own experience since 2014 in all brevity:

  1. Mini doesn’t work: Those who want to switch from the “usual” consumption of a pack of cigarettes or more to steaming will not make it with the so-called “Zigalikes”. These are small e-cigarettes that visually imitate tobacco cigarettes. They are too weak to guarantee a satisfying steam experience. It simply does not come out enough. Besides they are usually comparatively expensive and one can select the taste direction only from a very limited number of prefabricated depots .
  2. e-zigarettenThe normal steam: Optimally for the change are somewhat larger devices, consisting of a battery part and an evaporator, into which one fills the Liquid of own choice (there are innumerable, also self mixing is easily feasible). To start with it is important not to get confused by technically complex devices and to think about their different adjustment possibilities. Easy handling makes it possible to concentrate on the switch itself: steaming instead of smoking, trying out different tastes and nicotine strengths – later there is still time enough to make it a technology-loving hobby if you want to.
  3. Take two: For the change you should buy at least two “steamers”. The batteries do not always last a whole day (depending on the frequency of use), so at least one fully charged second battery should be available. I recommend as a minimum two complete e-cigarettes, in order to be able to steam two different Liquids – and for this it needs the second evaporator. I myself have successfully changed over with the EVOD Starter Set, which has since been further developed and is available as the “EVOD 2 Double Starter Set”. Despite thousands of devices, which are meanwhile on the market, I see the EVODs still as optimal a riser device and do not stand thereby alone. (In addition in detail: (die beste E-Zigarette für Anfänger) the best E-Zigarette for beginners on steam-tastic)
  4. From EVOD to VPLUM: After a pretty enthusiastic beginning with the EVODS I read my way in and became a member of the big steamers forums “Dampftreff”  and “ERF” .A winged saying among steamers there is the talk of “HWV”, the “have-wool virus” that soon infects newcomers. You want to experiment and see if there is anything better… and yes, there is a lot! Then I decided for a “VPLUM” myself: optically similar to the EVOD, only bigger. Longer battery life, more space for the liquid in the tank and REGULABLE WATT, without making the whole thing feel complicated. This steam is still available and I still use it. You can increase the steam intensity with the watt setting – a medium setting was enough for me.
  5. Higher, faster, further? Of course I tried that too! The so-called “low-ohm steaming” or “subo-ohm steaming” came into fashion and produced a lot of devices that penetrated into high-watt areas that one would never have dreamed of before. The reason: The lower the electrical resistance of the glowing wire (which generates the heat), the more current flows through, the hotter the whole thing becomes and the more steam can be generated. There are competitions in generating huge clouds of steam – exactly what I don’t want when I steam out there or in my study. In addition, these appliances draw steam directly into the lungs, which is why they have uncomfortable pipes as mouthpieces. Normal smoke knows these direct pulmonary draughts at most from smoking weed! Usually one smokes “on the cheek”, pulls the smoke (and now the steam) first into the mouth and then into the lungs. More: End of the Subohm experiments, I steam classically” (Ende der Subohm-Experimente, ich dampfe klassisch”)
  6. Do you want a pyro in between? If you think you can’t get by without the “real” ones in the morning, you can smoke them quietly. There are many steamers that have changed “gliding”. The more often you make the experience that the desire to smoke with steam can actually be avoided or satisfied – completely without the thousands of pollutants that arise during tobacco combustion – the less “pyros” you will smoke voluntarily. Also the cost saving is the pure joy!( die reine Freude)
  7. What liquid? Those who switch usually look for the taste of the last smoked tobacco. You won’t really find it, but there are many tobacco liquids that are really ok and easy to get used to. Who has filmed will possibly prefer other flavors than ex-cigarette smokers, for me as a former Javaanse Jongens smoker did liquids like “Alter Tobi”, “Tabak Klassik”, “American Blend”, Maxx Blend”, “Red USA Mix” and especially “Blacktobacco Menth”, which is enriched with a little menthol. I never liked menthol as a cigarette, but in steam I like the fresh touch that the menthol addition gives the liquid. I also like to add a menthol liquid to the tobacco liquids myself. The many fruit, drink and cake tastes that still exist couldn’t irritate me, but many others switch completely to “tobacco-far” liquids.For now it would be that! I am also happy to answer questions in the comments or by mail.
Which e-cigarette for beginners? 7 Tips for Switching
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Which e-cigarette for beginners? 7 Tips for Switching
If you want to switch from a pack of cigarettes to steaming, you won't make it with "Zigalikes". These are e-cigarettes that visually imitate cigarettes.
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